Sunday, October 7, 2007

Attracting Gay Men

It can be difficult being a gay man, wondering how you’re going to meet someone. Too often you may find yourself lonely and in need of companionship; knowing how to meet and attract other gay men can go a long way toward helping you find that special someone. Don’t believe the hype that you have to frequent bars or other such “singles” hangouts to meet people, either… there are countless people just like you who you can meet just by going through your day-to-day routine.

The first thing that you should do when trying to attract gay men is to be comfortable with yourself. This doesn’t mean that you should let yourself go or be a slob, of course; simply be proud of who you are and don’t try to fit someone else’s image of who you should be. Wear nice clothes that fit well, and keep yourself presentable while maintaining your own style. Maintain good personal hygiene and just be happy to be who you are. The confidence that you show in this way will make you more attractive to others, and you’ll feel good about yourself as well.

Next, you should smile. Even though it may seem clichéd, smiling at others can leave a lasting impression on them. Not only will you seem more friendly and approachable, but they will also be more likely to like you. It might not seem like a simple smile could make such a difference, but if you try it then you’ll be surprised.

Being comfortable with yourself and smiling will only get you so far, however; in order to meet people you have to be where people are. Gay men aren’t any different than anyone else, and have to eat and shop at places you likely already frequent. You never know when you’ll meet someone special at the grocery store or while shopping for electronics. Even if you think you aren’t going anywhere special, make sure that you’re presentable when you leave the house.

If you're going to get to know someone, then you need to talk to them. The hardest part of attracting gay men can be starting that first conversation. Many gay people worry that the person they’re interested in might not be gay or will take offense to their attention. Remember that someone doesn’t have to be gay or straight just to have a conversation. Try to break the ice with small talk, and if you seem to get along then you might move on to subtle flirtation. You should be able to pick up in the conversation whether they may be interested in you, and if they aren’t then you’ve lost nothing.

Of course, you may worry that you’ll offend someone if you flirt with them. Remember that many people are flattered when others find them attractive, regardless of the person’s gender. If they aren’t interested, then they will likely let you know early on. While you may occasionally find someone who is offended by you flirting with them, these individuals are few and far between.

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