Sunday, October 7, 2007

What Gay Men Want

Gay men are people, too. Just like any other human being, gay men have needs and desires. The human need for relationships is in every person. To have a true and meaningful relationship is everyone’s desire. Gay men just prefer to have this with another man instead of a woman. Sexual orientation aside, all of the things a straight person really wants in relationships are the same things that a gay man wants.

Companionship. Having someone else to share life with is important to everyone. Friendships, dating, romance and quality time with someone close to you is not only a desire that everyone has, but it is simply human nature to crave it. Being alone stinks. Companionship is a basic need, and gay men, being human, want that.

Acceptance. No one likes to feel rejection. This is one of the things that gay men have to struggle with on a daily basis. Society, although increasingly tolerant, still holds a stigma towards the homosexual community. Everyone want to be accepted for who they are. No one wants to be judged, especially not just for one aspect of their life. Gay men want to be a regular part of society just like everyone else. They are different from straight men, but that doesn’t mean they should be treated so differently that they feel rejected and out of place in the world.

Affection. Physical intimacy is another thing that everyone needs. A hug from a friend, a romantic kiss, or holding someone’s hand is something that everyone wants. Gay men just want that from another man. The human touch is a powerful thing. It communicates care, concern, acceptance, passion or friendship. Gay men want to be touched, just as every human being needs to be touched. Imagine going through life without ever having someone touch you. Wouldn’t that feel awful? Affection is a huge part of human nature.

Attention. No one likes to be ignored. Gay men are sometimes overlooked because people who are homophobic tend to see them as inferior. When you give someone attention and acknowledgment, you are giving them your respect. Gay men want to be respected just like everyone else. Most people, unless they are ashamed of themselves, want to be looked at, listened to and appreciated. Whether you are dating someone or just friends with them, it would not last long if one person didn’t give enough attention to the other. Gay men need attention, too.

Another man’s love. The only thing that stands out at a unique desire of a gay man is the desire to be intimate with another man physically and emotionally. A majority of straight men would tell you that the thought of intimacy with another man is a scary thought, and they would much rather just be with a woman. Gay men want companionship, affection, attention and acceptance from another man. It is their choice and it is their preference. That is what sets them apart from straight men, and that is who they are.

Gay men are people, too.

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