Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gay Compatibility

A lot has been said about gay compatibility, comparing it to the compatibility between partners in straight relationships. A lawsuit against eHarmony alleged discrimination against gay men and women, causing the founder of the website to state that he believed the compatibility between gay couples to be different than that of straight couples. There is no decisive evidence to show that this is the case, however. Gay couples face the same compatibility issues as other couples, and finding someone that you’re compatible with can take time.

When it comes to romantic compatibility, the interests of the people involved are a major factor. They say that opposites attract, but that attraction can only carry a relationship so far. If you don’t have something in common, then the relationship will suffer. Eventually you’ll run out of things to talk about, and that’s the end. This doesn’t mean that you have to have all of the same interests for you and your partner to be compatible, however.

The key to being compatible in a relationship is showing an interest in your partner’s activities. Even if you otherwise wouldn’t be interested in them, by letting your partner know that you’re interested in the fact that they enjoy them you can build a deeper understanding between the two of you. This doesn’t mean that you have to pursue these interests, of course… simply encourage them to do the things that they enjoy, and let them encourage you in the same manner. This isn’t limited to just physical activities, either. Try to show an interest in the things that your partner wants, the ideas that they have, and all of the things that make them unique.

One thing to keep in mind is that there will be some situations in which you and your partner clash. This could be over certain household chores, the way you pursue some interests, or a variety of other things. Don’t let tension build because of these clashes, as that can sour your relationship. Instead, learn to compromise with each other. You don’t have to give in to all of their wants in order to compromise; a relationship is give-and-take, and that’s exactly what you should do when trying to reach an understanding over a problem point. The more you and your partner are willing to compromise with each other, the more compatible you will become.

Just remember that you can’t force compatibility. The harder you try to be compatible with someone, the more you will start to resent that “forced compatibility.” Over time, this can even begin to change your views of the person you’re trying to be compatible with. Instead of trying to force things to work out, try and be patient so that compatibility can come in its own time. Compromise and showing a genuine interest in the other person’s hopes and dreams can help to speed this process up, as can simply being willing to talk things out and listening to what your partner has to say.

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